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  • my tax pilot

2018 and Future Tax Planning Ideas

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

Every year we are told "I pay too much in taxes" or "I want some of the tax loopholes that rich people get". We can answer both statements with one answer. Rich people get no more tax deductions or "loopholes" than anyone else, they just take advantage of what is there to keep their taxes at a low legal level. The single greatest tax "loophole" that they use, which few average people use to its limit is the ability to defer nearly $20,000 into a 401-K if your employer has one. If your employer has a 401-K and you are not putting the maximum deferral in it, there is no reason to even think about other tax planning ideas.

In the current tax era of greatly increased requirements to itemize deductions, a tax "bunching" strategy is absolutely mandatory. The "bunching strategy" recognized that the best tax deductions are obtained by putting deductions in one year rather than spreading them amongst several years. For example, in years where your charitable contributions are very low, hold off until the next year to catch up, then also pay the full amount of the next year's contributions in the "catch up" year in order to double your chances of itemizing. Similarly, few Americans receive medical deductions anymore, but if you incur a large expense for say, the deductible on surgery, then try to do all of your other medical items in the same year, such as dental and vision exams, check-ups, etc.

Check into your employer's handbook to see what employer provided fringe benefits are available. Taxpayers are often surprised at the available benefits, or at our explanation of what some benefits really mean. We offer special "tax planning" sessions to go through the handbooks and your paycheck to see what is available and what your options may be, via appointment.

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